Removing Atheroma, Székesfehérvár
The atheroma, also known as atheroma or a benign sebaceous gland, located just below the skin, firm, encapsulated lesions. kivezetőcsövének sebaceous glands cause of the blockage. As a result of atheroma can reach cseresznyényi, nut sizes.
Treatment Of Pigment Removal, Székesfehérvár
Benign liver spots, pigmentation of the skin may occur after various inflammatory diseases progresses with age, hormonal, genetic or other reasons.
Spider Veins, Aneurysm Treatment, Székesfehérvár
All the benefits of your new laser therapy technology around the world take advantage of your treatment. a few mm below the skin surface using a laser head vasculature emits to laser beams, which focus on the blood vessels, which causes them to shrink and disappear.
Biopsy, Székesfehérvár
All types of dermatological (inflammatory cancer, hereditary, autoimmune) disease histological diagnosis can be performed traditional histopathological, immunofluorescence and if necessary modern methods (immunohistology, molecular techniques). R nVálogatott known cases. frozen sections examination occurs during surgery. R nThe material removed for microscopic examination sections are made. is the histology of them during the examination, which includes the diagnosis, which is the need for further action to be taken based on the doctor can decide.